Bear Markets Are The Author of Bull Markets
By December 14, 2018
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"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth". - Sherlock Holmes
The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference has been the bellwether of the junior mining market for the last twenty-five years.
In January, 2011, it was a struggle to walk in a straight line down any of the exhibition aisles.
It was crowded, shoulder to shoulder in every corner.
Over 2000 seats in the speaker hall alone.
Everybody and their dog was buying junior mining stocks.
The writing was on the wall. Sell.
We spent the next 7 years living the emotional roller coaster of investor sentiment.
It’s been tough.
I want to share something with you that has been capturing all of my attention.
For the first time in 7 years, investor registration has outpaced the year before.
Exhibitor sales have already surpassed last year.
Look, everyone has their own perspective on market sentiment.
My metrics are hard to ignore.
I watch investor registration at conferences.
I watch issuer treasuries and marketing spends.
And I am lucky that I get to talk to people like Rick Rule and Rob McEwan when I want some insight.
Rick Rule told me that in the four market cycles he has lived through, every time, it has proven that bear markets are the author of bull markets.
Last month, Rob McEwan told me to “Back up the truck, it’s time to buy Gold equities”.
I don’t know where we are in the market turn around. But looking at the above chart, it is clear to see where we aren’t.
This year at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference we are flying in over 50 keynote speakers. The trade show will host over 300 companies.
I see green shoots.
Don’t Miss Out: The World’s Largest Resource Investment Conference that happens only once a year. Register for VRIC before it's too late.