Baylin Technologies Tunes Into Growing Market With Global Reach
By January 9, 2018
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Ever since people stopped having to pull the antenna out of the body of their cellular phone, the role of antennae in modern life has gone relatively unnoticed.
But for TSX listed Baylin Technologies, the numerous antennae we use on a daily basis are how they keep driving their company to create innovative designs. Baylin holds a number of patents for mobile antennae technology, and they are one of the 'go to' companies for major manufactures of mobile or wireless technology.
A look at their client list resembles a progression of mobile phone technology, and today, they still design numerous antennae for the latest generation of smartphones. But in addition to mobiles, they make antennae for routers, as well the large scale antennae that make the backbone of the data networks function.
Custom Play
While Baylin started off as an antenna manufacturer in the late 1970's with a limited product line, over the last four decades they have manufactured countless antennae for a range of commercial applications.
One of the biggest advantages that Baylin brings to the table, is their ability to quickly design fully functional antenna for a mobile device, and then scale up to its commercial manufacture in a matter months. They have large scale manufacturing facilities in South Korea, China and Vietnam, and have shown that they are able to create antennae products for their customers that fully allow devices to function at their best.
It is somewhat ironic that the core of today's world is connectivity, but the antennae that make that connectivity possible aren't at the forefront of a consumer's mind. The smartphone of today needs to have at least six antennae to connect to all the networks that allow it to function, and without a company like Baylin, the modern world simply couldn't exist.
Choosing Canada
When Baylin Technologies decided to go public back in 2014, they chose the Toronto Stock Exchange to offer their company to public investors. At the time they were headquartered in Israel, but today their home base is in Canada.
Many people associate Silicon Valley, or China with cutting edge technology, but Canada has a number of advantages over many other tech investment destinations. In the wake of President Trump's victory last year, Canada's open attitude to skilled workers makes it a very attractive place for new investment in technological development that requires teams of highly trained professionals from around the world.
Canada also has an educational system that is second to none, and that might explain why companies like DeepMind, Apple and Amazon have all chosen Canada as a country to invest in recently.
If you are interested in how quickly the Canadian tech space is developing, the upcoming Cantech Investment Conference is a wonderful resource. It is important to realize that companies like Baylin don't exist in isolation, and in fact, their products make using cryptocurrencies possible in the first place.
There will be a number of leading companies in attendance, and presentations from some of the leading minds in Blockchain development, VR/AR, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The mobile market isn't going anywhere, and with many DLT based transactions reliant on smartphone technology, companies like Baylin probably have a very brings future in front of them.
This year's Cantech Investment Conference will be happening on January 31st, at the Metro Toronto Convention Center, right in downtown Toronto. Registration is now open, and if you preregister, or are a student, there are reduced prices available!